
In this reading we’ll talk about files, which are the most basic way to store data permanently.


  • Files

  • Binary and text files

  • Opening and closing files

  • Reading from text files

Why files?

Data that computer programs act on can be either temporary or permanent. Values of program variables are temporary (they disappear when a program exits). But we often want to work with more permanent data. For example, if we are analyzing some data, we probably want the raw data to be available in some permanent form so that we can analyze it in multiple ways, or so that we can add more data as it comes in. The most basic way to store data in a permanent way on a computer is to use a file. [1]

The word "file" is borrowed from its more traditional use as a folder in a "file cabinet", where paper records have been stored since at least the mid-1800s. [2] In the context of computers, a "file" is a data structure that is stored on some permanent medium (such as a hard disk, a solid state disk, flash memory, or even magnetic tapes). The important things about a file are that

  • they contain data

  • the data they contain does not go away when a program exits, or when the computer they are stored on is switched off

We say that data stored in files is "persistent" for this reason; it "persists" even when you turn your computer off.

We’ve already been working with files, of course. Every time you write a program (say, a CS 1 assignment), you are creating a file. Program source code is traditionally stored in files, but files are used for much more than this:

  • scientific data

  • media of all types (books, PDFs, audio files, video files)

  • executable (binary) versions of computer programs

  • configuration information

  • personal information

and much more. Without files, most of what we do with computers would not be possible.

Binary and text files

We can distinguish two primary types of files based on the way the data is formatted: binary files and text files. The word binary just means that it is made up of raw 0s and 1s (binary numbers) stored on a computer disk. [3] Of course, computer disks don’t store actual 0s and 1s (whatever that would be); they store a physical representation of them in terms of some physical property that can have one of two states (for instance, the magnetization state of a tiny area of a metal disk).

Figure 1. Data: it’s all just bits.
If you’re curious... (click to expand)
Ternary computers

There is no fundamental reason why data has to be stored as bits (base 2 numbers). From an engineering standpoint, though, it makes sense: it’s a lot easier to make a computer (and thus, the data that a computer uses) if you only have to distinguish between two physical states than if you had to distinguish between more than two states. Some computers made in the Soviet Union in the late 1950s to the early 1970s used base-3 (ternary) numbers, which actually have some theoretical advantages; it’s possible that base-3 computers may become popular again. For more information on these unusual computers see this Wikipedia article.

When we speak of a binary file, we just mean a "raw" file that can be anything. In fact, all files on a computer are binary files. But some files store their bits in particular ways that make sense for a particular kind of data. We refer to these "ways of storing bits in a file" as a file’s encoding. One very common kind of file encoding is as a text file.

A text file is a file where each consecutive sequence of 8 bits (called a byte) represents a single character. [4] These files are easy to read because a program can read a single byte and immediately convert it into the appropriate character; they are easy to write for similar reasons. In this course, when we say "file" we will almost always mean "text file". Nevertheless, non-text files are very important; if your program reads or writes images, or audio, or video, it will need to use non-text file encodings.

An example

Let’s assume there is a text file called temps.txt containing temperature data taken once per day at noon. This file could be large (more than 1000 entries). We will assume that the text file has exactly one temperature number per line. We want to read numbers from this file and compute values from them.

Since temps.txt is a text file, it contains a sequence of characters. These characters can be interpreted as numbers. For instance, the file might look like this:


Of course, a real file of temperature data would probably be much larger. We’ll work with this file for the rest of the reading.

Opening a file

Files in Python are represented as file objects i.e. objects which represent a file on a hard drive (or some other storage medium). These are not the same thing as the file itself; instead, they provide a convenient way to interact with the file from Python.

Before we work with a file, we have to create a file object in Python that is linked to the real file. After that, file operations are just methods of the file object. File objects are created using the open function.

>>> temps = open('temps.txt', 'r')
>>> temps
<_io.TextIOWrapper name='temps.txt' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>

You don’t need to understand everything that is printed out when you enter temps, but it’s Python’s way of telling you that temps is an object of the class _io.TextIOWrapper with the name temps.txt, the mode r (which means "read-only") and the encoding UTF-8. (We haven’t learned about classes yet, but we will.) You might expect it to say file somewhere; actually, _io.TextIOWrapper is a more general version of a file. The UTF-8 encoding is one of the standard encodings for text files. [5]

What’s important here is that the temps object is a Python object that is able to do operations on the actual file temps.txt by calling its methods. Before we get to that, let’s look at the open function in more detail.

The open function is used to create file objects given a file name. A call to open looks schematically like this:

open(<name of file>, <mode>)

This function returns a Python file object. The <name of file> argument is the file’s name as a string. The <mode> argument is one or more characters that describe how the file can be used. We won’t go through all the possible mode values; a full list is here if you’re interested. For our purposes, you should know these three modes:

  • 'r' — the file is opened read-only

  • 'w' — the file is opened write-only; if the file already existed before the open call, it will be wiped out and overwritten

  • 'a' — the file is opened write-only; if the file already existed before the open call, writing to the file will append the new text to the end of the file

For the 'r' and 'a' modes, if the file doesn’t exist, a FileNotFoundError exception is raised.

In this case, we are reading from an existing file called temps.txt and we are not going to write back into that file, so the 'r' mode is appropriate.

If you leave off the <mode> argument, then 'r' is assumed (this is called a default argument and we’ll learn more about it later in the course). For instance:

>>> open('foo.txt')

is the same as:

>>> open('foo.txt', 'r')

File paths and the file system

When you open a file, you have to specify the name of the file, but it’s more involved than that. The string you provide is called a file path and it represents a file’s "location" in the file system. You don’t need to understand the file system other than to understand that it’s a series of nested directories which are places where files can be located.

The topmost directory in the file system is called the root directory; on many computers (notably MacOS and Linux) the root directory is identified by a single forward slash character (/); on Windows it’s a backwards slash character (\) (usually just called a "backslash"). The topmost directory where you can store your files is called your home directory. You can create subdirectories whenever you want, and it’s a good idea to do so in order to organize your files.

Most programs that run on your computer (for instance, terminal programs and text editors) keep track of a current directory which they are able to access directly. The Python interpreter also keeps track of the current directory. Unless you do something unusual, this will be the directory in which you started Python. You can access this from the Python interpreter by importing the os module and calling the getcwd (get current working directory) function:

>>> import os
>>> os.getcwd()

(This will print out something different on your computer, unless you are running Python on a Mac and your login name is student )

A file path always ends with the name of the file. If that’s all there is, then the file is assumed to be in the current directory. If you want to open a file that isn’t in the current directory, you have these choices:

  • You can specify an absolute path. This is a list of all the directories starting from the root directory and ending in the current directory, plus the file name, separated by slashes (forward slashes for MacOS/Linux, backslashes for Windows). For instance:

    >>> open('/Users/student/cs1/assignments/1/lab1.data', 'r')

    (This assumes that a file named lab1.data exists in the directory /Users/student/cs1/assignments/1.) [6]

  • You can specify a relative path. This is like an absolute path, but it starts from the current directory instead of the root directory. This is indicated by dropping the initial slash character. For instance, if you are in the '/Users/student/cs1' directory, you might type:

    >>> open('assignments/1/lab1.data', 'r')

    to open the same file as before.

There are two more things you may find in a file path:

  1. The . character by itself means the current directory.

  2. The .. characters means the parent of the current directory, which is "one up" in the directory tree.

You can use these to create arbitrarily complicated paths. For example, if the current directory is /Users/student/cs2/assignments/2 and you wanted to open /Users/student/cs1/assignments/1/lab1.data you could type:

>>> open('../1/lab1.data', 'r')

instead of the much longer

>>> open('/Users/student/cs1/assignments/1/lab1.data', 'r')

That’s enough about file paths for now. You’ll soon get used to them.

Closing a file

Before we get to the interesting stuff (which is how to read information from a file), we need to talk briefly about closing files. Once we are done working with a file, we should close it, which means to make it so that no further actions (reads or writes) can be done to the file. In Python, we do this by calling the close method on a file object. For instance:

file = open('temps.txt', 'r')
# ... read data from the file object ...
file.close()  # close the file

After closing a file, any attempt to read from (or write to) the file will result in an error.

If a file isn’t closed, it will eventually be closed anyway once the program exits. However, it is bad practice to have large numbers of open files in a program which are no longer being used. Most operating systems have a limit on the number of files that can be open at the same time, and if you are collecting data from a lot of files, you might exceed that limit. It’s better to close a file as soon as you no longer need it.

Reading from text files

Probably the most common thing to do with text files is to read lines from them. Of course, text files are actually just linear sequences of characters (like strings stored on a disk drive). We can think of them as sequences of lines, where a "line" is a sequence of characters ending in a newline character (the '\n' character). [7]

Python has two methods for reading lines from text files, which we now describe.

The readlines method on files

We’ll start with the readlines method, because it’s conceptually simpler. What this method does is to return all the lines in a file as a list of strings. This method is very easy to use. Typically, you have some code like this:

file = open('temps.txt', 'r')
lines = file.readlines()

and then you can use the lines list however you want. If you look at the lines list you’ll see that is in fact a list of strings, where each string ends in a newline character: [8]

>>> lines
['78.2\n', '68.3\n', '59.0\n', '88.1\n', '49.5\n', '99.0\n']

Note that this is not a list of floats, even though that’s really what we want. We would have to convert each string to a float in order to get the list we want. Here’s one (bad) way to do it:

file = open('temps.txt', 'r')
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
    line = float(line)

At the end of this, lines will now be a list of floats, each representing a temperature. Although this works, it’s bad because the name line suggests a string, and what we want are numbers. [9] For this, you would be better off creating a new list of numbers. That code might look like this:

file = open('temps.txt', 'r')
lines = file.readlines()
nums = []
for line in lines:

Then we could use the nums list for whatever we wanted. On the other hand, this second version has a problem too: if the file is very long, you are creating two big lists in memory where previously you were creating only one. It would be better if we could go through the file line by line, convert each line to a float, and append it to the nums list without ever having to save the lines list. But since we used the readlines method, we’ve already created the lines list, so this won’t work. We have to try a different approach.

A pitfall

We’ll get back to the example shortly, but we want to alert you to something that can be confusing for new programmers. Once you have read one or more lines of text from a text file into a list, the strings in the list are completely independent of the lines in the file they came from. So if you change any of the lines in the list, the file will not change as a result. Files are not lists and can’t be altered like lists. (There are ways to change the contents of files, and we will see one of them below, but it’s not this simple.)

For instance, this code:

file = open('temps.txt', 'r')
lines = file.readlines()
lines[0] = '0.0\n'

will not change the first number in the file to 0.0. In fact, the file can’t be changed, since you opened it in read-only mode.

The readline method on files

Getting back to our problem, what we have seen is that there are many situations where you would like to be able to read the lines in a file one at a time without storing the lines in a list. In fact, this is the usual situation. Once you read a line, you may convert it into some other kind of data, you may save that data in some way or you may use it to compute something else, and once you’ve done this, you no longer need the original line.

For this kind of case, Python provides the readline method. It reads a single line from a file and returns it (including the newline character at the end of the line). The file object also keeps track of where in the file the line was read from, so that the next time the method is called, it will read the next line in the file, and so on. If there are no more lines in the file, the readline method returns the empty string. [10]


What is the difference between what happens when

  • you use the readline method to read a blank line from a file, or

  • you use it to try to read a line from a file when all the lines in the file have already been read?

Think about this before clicking to reveal the answer.


This is one reason Python keeps the newline character in the string that is returned from the readline method. Reading a blank line from a file using the readline method will not return an empty string; it will return a string containing a single newline character i.e. '\n'. Trying to read a line from a file when all lines have been read returns the empty string i.e. ''. So if readline ever returns the empty string, you know that there are no more lines in the file to read.

Let’s say we wanted to compute the average of all the temperatures in our temps.txt file. We could read our file using a series of calls to the readline method: [11]

file = open('temps.txt', 'r')
sum_nums = 0.0
n = 0  # number of lines

line = file.readline()
sum_nums += float(line)
n += 1

line = file.readline()
sum_nums += float(line)
n += 1

line = file.readline()
sum_nums += float(line)
n += 1

line = file.readline()
sum_nums += float(line)
n += 1

# ... etc. until there are no more lines ...

avg = sum_nums / n

This is not an effective strategy, though. We have no way of knowing exactly how many lines there are in the file, so we don’t know how many times to call the readline method. Even worse, we are repeating the same code over and over, so this is an egregious violation of the D.R.Y. principle.

We hope that at this point, your brain is screaming "USE A LOOP!" because that’s exactly what we’ll do. Since we don’t know how many times we’ll have to go through the loop, we’ll use a while loop.

We’ve mentioned before that pseudocode is an English-language description of code that can easily be converted into real code. [12] Here’s a pseudocode version of the code we’ll write:

open the file
initialize sum_nums and n to zero
read a line
while the line is not empty (we're not at the end of the file):
    convert the line to a float
    add the float to sum_nums
    add 1 to n
divide sum_nums by n to get the average
print the average
close the file

Translating this to Python is easy:

file = open('temps.txt', 'r')
sum_nums = 0
n = 0
line = file.readline()
while line != '':
    num = float(line)
    sum_nums += num
    n += 1
    line = file.readline()
avg = sum_nums / n
print('Average temperature: {}'.format(avg))

This code will repeatedly call the readline method on the file object until it returns the empty string (i.e. until there are no more lines). Each time the readline method returns a line, the float function converts it into a floating-point number which is added to the sum_nums variable. We also keep track of the line count with the n variable. At the end, we divide the sum by the number of lines to get the average temperature, and we print it out to the terminal.

What’s nice about this code is that we never have to store a list of all the lines, or, for that matter, a list of all the numbers. We go through the file line-by-line, updating the sum_nums and the n variables, and then at the end of the loop we have the information we need to compute the average. No matter how big the file is, this code will still work and we won’t run out of memory storing big lists.

However, this code is a bit clunky. [13] The num variable doesn’t have to be there; we only use it to hold the temperature value before adding it to sum_nums. We can get rid of it and tighten up the code a bit:

file = open('temps.txt', 'r')
sum_nums = 0
n = 0
line = file.readline()
while line != '':
    sum_nums += float(line)
    n += 1
    line = file.readline()
avg = sum_nums / n
print('Average temperature: {}'.format(avg))

Unfortunately, that’s not all that’s wrong with this code. The line line = file.readline() is repeated twice, which violates the D.R.Y. principle. There should be a better way to write this.

The D.R.Y. principle again

We’ve seen before that repeated code in a loop often means that the test for whether to get out of a loop shouldn’t come at the beginning of the loop but somewhere inside the loop. Would that trick work here too? Let’s try it:

file = open('temps.txt', 'r')
sum_nums = 0
n = 0
while True:
    line = file.readline()
    if line == '':  # no more lines
        break       # exit the loop
    sum_nums += float(line)
    n += 1
avg = sum_nums / n
print('Average temperature: {}'.format(avg))

It works! And the repetition is gone; the code is very D.R.Y.

Notice that the while True: line just means "repeat". In pseudocode, what the loop means is:

   read a line from the file
   if the line is empty (end of file), exit the loop
   otherwise, convert the line to a float and add to sum_nums
   add 1 to n

We can make one more readability improvement. Remember that when we talked about if we said that Python treats a few values as "false" even if they aren’t the actual False value? We called these values "falsy" values. Falsy values include the integer 0, the empty string, and the empty list. Since the empty string is considered to be "falsy", and the readline method returns the empty string if it can’t read a line, we can rewrite this code like this:

file = open('temps.txt', 'r')
sum_nums = 0
n = 0
while True:
    line = file.readline()
    if not line:
    sum_nums += float(line)
    n += 1
avg = sum_nums / n
print('Average temperature: {}'.format(avg))

We’ve only changed one line: if line == '': became if not line:. The not keyword is an operator that flips boolean values: not True is False and not False is True. [14] So if line is the empty string '', then line is "falsy" and not line is "truthy". In fact, if we try this in Python:

>>> not ''

we see that not line will be True if there are no more lines to read. So if not line: reads like English, which is something that Python programmers appreciate.

Now our code works, is D.R.Y., and reads well, so we are happy with it.

Looking forward

We have more to say about files, but this reading is long enough! We want to let you know about some of the related topics we will discuss in future readings:

  • There is an even more concise way to write the averaging code that uses a for loop instead of a while loop.

  • We will see how to write to text files.

  • It’s a pain to have to remember to call the close method on files. There is a keyword called with that can be used to automatically close files after they are no longer needed.

[End of reading]

1. It’s not the only way, though. For instance, really large and highly-structured data sets are often stored in relational databases, and there is a significant amount of theory involved in how to do this well.
2. This is yet another example of a common word which has a completely different, but analogous, meaning in computer programming.
3. If you don’t know much about binary numbers, don’t worry: we will be going over them in a few readings.
4. We’re oversimplifying here. Some kinds of text encodings are more complicated, especially if you need to encode Asian languages with large numbers of characters (e.g. Chinese). These require more than 8 bits per character.
5. Another one you will hear about is the ASCII encoding, which is an older encoding that can only encode standard typewriter characters.
6. The suffix .data implies that the file contains data, but there is no requirement that it be formatted in any particular way. The filesystem doesn’t care.
7. Note, though, that they are not Python sequences in the sense that a string or a list is a sequence. For instance, you can’t use the square bracket syntax on file objects to get a particular line.
8. It is possible for a text file to end in a character which isn’t a newline. That would make our example more complicated, so we’ll assume that all our text files do end in newlines.
9. When writing code, it’s not enough that the code work; you also want it to make sense to someone reading it.
10. If the last line doesn’t end in a newline, and the readline method is reading that line, it returns a string containing all the characters up to the end of the file.
11. We call our summation variable sum_nums instead of sum because sum is a built-in function in Python. We could have called it sum, but if we did we wouldn’t be able to use the sum built-in function in that module after the sum variable was defined.
12. This is particularly nice in Python, since Python is already so readable. In fact, Python has been called "executable pseudocode".
13. Clunky means inelegant and possibly too repetitive or too verbose.
14. It may look like a function, but you don’t need to put its argument in parentheses. We say it’s a prefix operator.