What a conditional is

One fundamental thing a computer program needs to be able to do is to make decisions about what to do given the data available. If certain conditions are met, the program does one thing, and if different conditions exist, it does another thing. Programming languages do this by means of conditionals, which in most languages (including Python) are called if statements.

A simple example

We’ll return to a problem we’ve discussed before: analyzing temperatures collected at noon on every day of the week. How do we figure out how many of the temperatures are above 72 degrees? We can’t solve this with what we know so far.

This problem naturally divides into two subproblems:

  • How do we test to see whether or not a particular temperature is greater than 72 degrees?

  • How do we use that information to control our program?

Relational operators

To compare a number with another number, we need a relational operator. The standard relational operators in Python are:

Operator What it means


equal to


not equal to


less than


less than or equal


greater than


greater than or equal

These operators should be familiar from math, although in math we often use nicer operator symbols like ≤ and ≥. (When we write programs, we’re limited by what we can type on our keyboards.) Relational operators take two numbers as arguments and return either True or False.

>>> a = 10
>>> b = 20
>>> a > b
>>> a < b
>>> a == a
>>> a == b
>>> a != b
>>> a <= a
>>> b >= a
>>> 42 >= 42

These are pretty intuitive, but be careful with the == operator. Remember that the = operator is used for assignment and only for assignment. What this means is that you can’t write (say) x = y when you mean x == y, because only the latter expression will return a boolean (True/False) value. [1]

For this problem, we want to check to see if a temperature is greater than 72 degrees.

>>> temp = 85
>>> temp > 72

OK, this solves our first problem: how to test whether the temperature is greater than 72 degrees. What about the second problem?

The if statement

The second problem is: how do we use that information to control our program? In Python, we use the if statement:

temp = 85
if temp > 72:

which will of course print out:


The general structure of an if statement is:

if <boolean expression>:
    <block of code>

The <boolean expression> part is just a Python expression which evaluates to a True or False value.

Truthiness and falsiness

The word "boolean" in <boolean expression> just means "true or false". Python does have the boolean values called True and False. However, Python is pretty lenient about what it considers to be "true" or "false" in an if statement’s boolean expression; it doesn’t have to evaluate to the True or False value. As far as Python is concerned, "false" can be any one of the following things:

  • the False value

  • the integer 0

  • the empty string ''

  • the empty list []

and a few other things we haven’t seen yet. We say that these values are "falsy". Anything else is considered to be "true" ("truthy") in a boolean expression. [2] From now on, when we say that a boolean expression is "false", we mean that it evaluates to a "falsy" value, and when we say it’s "true", we mean that it evaluates to a "truthy" value.

If you want to test if a particular value is "truthy" or "falsy", you can pass it as the argument of the bool function. If it’s "truthy", then bool will return True, and if it’s "falsy", bool will return False.

>>> bool(True)
>>> bool(False)
>>> bool(0)
>>> bool([])
>>> bool('')
>>> bool(1)
>>> bool(abs)  # Even a function is truthy!

Evaluating an if statement.

The way an if statement evaluates is simple: if the <boolean expression> evaluates to a true value, evaluate the <block of code>. Otherwise, don’t. Then continue with the code following the if statement. (We’ll extend this below when we talk about the if/else statement.)

Syntax notes

  • Don’t forget to put the colon character (:) after the <boolean expression>, or it’ll be a syntax error! Python requires the colon for all of its statements with blocks, so at least it’s consistent.

  • The <block of code> in an if statement is like the body of a for loop: all the lines should be indented to the same extent.

Back to the example

We have a list of temperatures, one for each day this week.

temps = [67, 75, 59, 73, 81, 80, 71]

We want to compute how many of these are above 72. How do we do this in our program?

We already know how to compare a particular temperature with 72 using a relational operator. We will also need an if statement to do something only if the temperature is above 72. But we have a whole list of temperatures, not just one. Therefore, it makes sense that we will also need a for loop to iterate over the list.

We can write a "skeleton" of the code we need like this:

temps = [67, 75, 59, 73, 81, 80, 71]
for temp in temps:
    if temp > 72:
        <do something>

We still have to fill in the <do something> part.

A couple of notes about this code:

  • An if statement inside of a for loop is a very common "code pattern". As you write more programs, you will start to see more code patterns, and knowing these patterns will make it much easier for you to solve programming problems. [3]

  • Writing a "skeleton" of code with pieces left out is sometimes called pseudocode. Sometimes (like in this case) pseudocode is very close to real code. Other times it’s just an English description of how to solve a problem. Either way, writing pseudocode can help you get started writing a program even if you don’t know exactly how to write everything yet.

For this problem, we need to figure out how many values in the list are above 72. That suggests that we need to have a variable that contains the count of these values. We’ll call this variable temps_above_72. Before the loop, this variable should start off at 0. Then, every time we encounter a temperature above 72, we add 1 to the variable.

temps = [67, 75, 59, 73, 81, 80, 71]
temps_above_72 = 0
for temp in temps:
    if temp > 72:
        temps_above_72 += 1

At the end of the loop, the value of the temps_above_72 variable is the count of all the temperatures in the list which are above 72.

Notice that we used the += operator. We could have written temps_above_72 = temps_above_72 + 1, but using the += operator is much more concise. [4]

To complete this example, let’s add a print statement after the loop:

temps = [67, 75, 59, 73, 81, 80, 71]
temps_above_72 = 0
for temp in temps:
    if temp > 72:
        temps_above_72 += 1
print('{} days above 72'.format(temps_above_72))

When this is run it prints out:

4 days above 72

This is a trivial example; you could easily have done it in your head. However, it becomes much less trivial if you have one million temperatures, or one billion, or even more. It’s important to realize that computers aren’t only useful for doing difficult computations; they are also useful for doing large numbers of simple computations.

The if/else statement

An if statement allows you to either

  • do something (execute a block of code) if a condition is true, or

  • do nothing if it isn’t true

More generally, we might want to

  • do something (execute a block of code) if a condition is true, or

  • do something different (execute a different block of code) if the condition isn’t true

To deal with the second case, an if statement can optionally include a second part called the "else clause". The structure of such a statement is:

if <boolean expression>:
    <block of code>
    <different block of code>

The word else is a keyword, of course. The if and else keywords have to be indented the same amount. There has to be a colon (:) after the else keyword. If the <boolean expression> is true then only the if block is evaluated; if it’s false then only the else block is evaluated.

Terminology: in an if/else statement, the if part (including the block) is referred to as the "if clause" and the else part (including the block) is referred to as the "else clause".

Here’s an example:

temp = 69
if temp > 72:
    print('greater than 72!')
    print('less than or equal to 72!')

Predictably, this will print:

less than or equal to 72!

Multi-way tests

In the previous example we had two situations: when the temperature was less than 72 and when it wasn’t. More generally, there may be many different mutually-exclusive situations, and you might want to do something different for each of them. We call this a multi-way test.

Let’s imagine a very simple generalization of our previous example. We will go though a list of temperatures and keep records of

  • the number of temperatures that are less than 72 degrees

  • the number of temperatures that are exactly 72 degrees

  • the number of temperatures that are greater than 72 degrees

We’ll assume (as we have been doing) that all the temperatures are integers. How do we write this code?

It turns out that there are several different ways to write it, but only one "nice" way. Whichever way we choose, we are going to need some variables:

temps_below_72 = 0
temps_at_72 = 0
temps_above_72 = 0

The bad way

One way to write this code is as follows:

if t < 72:
    temps_below_72 += 1
if t == 72:
    temps_at_72 += 1
if t > 72:
    temps_above_72 += 1

This will work, but it’s bad code. Why? Think about this for a minute and then click on "Answer" for the answer.


The problem with this approach is that you may do unnecessary tests. It’s clear that the three cases (temperature less than 72, equal to 72, or greater than 72) are mutually exclusive, but the way the code is written, you could end up checking all three conditions even if you don’t have to.

For example, let’s say that the temperature is less than 72. Let’s follow the execution of the code. First, we execute the first if statement, which causes temps_below_72 to be incremented by 1.

1if t < 72:
2    temps_below_72 += 1
3if t == 72:
4    temps_at_72 += 1
5if t > 72:
6    temps_above_72 += 1

Then, we execute the second if statement. Nothing happens, because t isn’t equal to 72.

1if t < 72:
2    temps_below_72 += 1
3if t == 72:
4    temps_at_72 += 1
5if t > 72:
6    temps_above_72 += 1

Finally, we execute the third if statement. Again nothing happens, because t isn’t greater than 72.

1if t < 72:
2    temps_below_72 += 1
3if t == 72:
4    temps_at_72 += 1
5if t > 72:
6    temps_above_72 += 1

It should be clear that the last two tests are completely unnecessary. Once we know that t is less than 72, we shouldn’t have to test if it’s equal to 72 or greater than 72.

Of course, in this case the tests are not computationally expensive: you are just comparing two integers. But what if the tests involved calls to functions that were computationally expensive? That would slow the code down a lot, especially since in many cases you wouldn’t even need the answer!

This kind of bad code pattern is often called an antipattern, which just means that it’s a common bad way of doing something.

A better way

To avoid doing unnecessary tests, we can rewrite the code using else statements.

if t < 72:
    temps_below_72 += 1
    if t == 72:
        temps_at_72 += 1
    else:  # t > 72
        temps_above_72 += 1

This code is correct and doesn’t do any unnecessary tests. One curious thing is that we don’t have to explicitly test for t > 72, because if we get to the second else clause, we know that t must be greater than 72. We write this fact in a comment to alert anyone reading the code that this will be the case.

Even though this code works and doesn’t do unnecessary tests, it’s still ugly. Nested if/else statements such as this are hard to read (and even more so if the comment was left out). Also, what if you had 5, or 10, or more mutually-exclusive cases to test for? Then you would have a great number of nested if/else statements, and the code would be really hard to read.

temps_below_60 = 0
temps_between_60_and_65 = 0
temps_between_65_and_70 = 0
temps_between_70_and_75 = 0
if t < 60:
    temps_below_60 += 1
    if t < 65:
        temps_between_60_and_65 += 1
        if t < 70:
            temps_between_65_and_70 += 1
            if t < 75:
                temps_between_70_and_75 += 1

You get the idea. This kind of situation is surprisingly common in code, and Python has the tools to deal with it.

The best way: the if/elif/else statement

Let’s think about how we would say this in pseudo-English. "If the temperature is less than 72 degress, do (one thing), else if it’s exactly 72, do (another thing), else do (a third thing)."

To write this code in Python, we introduce the elif keyword. elif is short for else if. [5] An elif clause contains a test (like the if line) and also has a block of code (like both the if and else clauses).

Here’s what the code above looks like when using elif:

1if t < 72:
2    temps_below_72 += 1
3elif t == 72:
4    temps_at_72 += 1
5else:  # t > 72
6    temps_above_72 += 1

This is both efficient and readable, and it will also scale to as many cases as we like. Therefore, when doing multi-way tests, use the if/elif/else form. [6]

Syntax notes

  • All conditional forms start with the if keyword; you can’t have an else clause or an elif clause without an if clause.

  • There can be any number of elif clauses, including zero. Each one has to have its own test.

  • The else clause is always optional, even after an elif clause. If the else clause is omitted, that means to do nothing if the other cases don’t apply.

A pitfall

Even though in many cases of multi-way tests, using an if/elif/else statement with one or more elifs is the right approach, it’s dangerous to rely on this too much. Sometimes you can write the code to avoid conditionals altogether, and in these cases, you usually shouldn’t use conditionals.

Here’s an example. Try to figure out what is wrong with this code, and how you would rewrite it. (Assume that the function will only receive valid inputs.)

def scale_value(lst, scale, index):
    Return a list value multiplied by a value which depends on the position in
    the list.

      lst, scale: lists of integers of length 4
      index: an integer between 0 and 3

    Return value: an integer

    if index == 0:
        result =  lst[0] * scale[0]
    elif index == 1:
        result =  lst[1] * scale[1]
    elif index == 2:
        result =  lst[2] * scale[2]
    elif index == 3:
        result =  lst[3] * scale[3]
    # no `else` clause
    return result

This function can be simplified almost to the point of non-existence. Here’s the corrected version:

def scale_value(lst, scale, index):
    Return a list value multiplied by a value which depends on the position in
    the list.

      lst, scale: lists of integers of length 4
      index: an integer between 0 and 3

    Return value: an integer

    return lst[index] * scale[index]

In fact, though, the function is so simple that we probably wouldn’t even define it. Instead, everywhere we would want to use it we’d just write lst[index] * scale[index] (with variable names changed as needed).

Even though the original function was correct, using an if/elif/else statement is clearly wrong because it’s unnecessary. When you can rewrite the code to be much more concise, as in this case, you generally should.

[End of reading]

1. Fortunately, if you make a mistake with this, Python will usually catch it right away and label it as a syntax error.
2. This may seem sloppy to you, and it is. But being sloppy about what is "false" allows you to write some kinds of code in a more natural way, as we’ll see. There are trade-offs for everything.
3. It’s similar to the way knowing idioms or expressions in a human language helps you speak the language more fluently.
4. If you’ve programmed in C or Java, you might wonder if you could write this line as temps_above_72++. The answer is: no, you can’t. Python doesn’t have the ++ or -- operators. Sorry.
5. You might be wondering why Python chose an unintuitive keyword like elif instead of just using else if (like C and Java do). It turns out that using elif made it easier to write the Python parser.
6. Python 3.10 will introduce a new match statement that is even nicer than using if/elif/else in a lot of situations (though probably not here). Python continues to evolve!