
Welcome to CS 1! We’re delighted that you’re taking our course. We hope you have a lot of fun and learn a lot in the process.

This is the first "reading" of the course. The idea behind readings is to serve as the official course notes, so that lectures are less of a brain dump of details and more an opportunity to interactively go through code examples, answer questions, and get you thinking about the programming process. We will try to post the reading(s) corresponding to a lecture at least a day before the lecture. You should ideally have read it (them) before coming to lecture, so you can use class time to ask questions about the material and refine your understanding. We will use the questions you ask in the lecture to improve the readings.


This reading is a general introduction to programming and Python followed by a short crash course on the most basic aspects of Python, which will be continued in the next reading.

Your programming background

We are very well aware that students in CS 1 come from a very wide variety of backgrounds in terms of knowledge of computer programming. Some of you have never programmed a computer before. That’s fine, you’re in the right place! Others have done some or perhaps even extensive programming. We will try to make these notes accessible to everyone, and if there is a topic that you are very familiar with, we encourage you to skim (but not to skip) the notes on that topic.

Programming as a thought process

[This section is for new programmers; experienced programmers can skip to the next section.]

The hardest subjects to learn are usually those that force you to think in a different way than you’re used to. When you learn algebra, you have to generalize the arithmetic you’ve learned ("ten apples times three equals thirty apples") to allow for unknown quantities (variables) ("x apples times y equals xy apples"). That’s a mental leap. When you learn calculus you have to generalize what you know about functions to allow for operations like derivatives that take functions as arguments. And when you learn programming for the first time, you have to learn to "think like a machine". This is what we mean when we speak of programming as a thought process. Thinking like a machine means understanding enough about how the computer works to be able to predict what the result of executing your code is going to be.

Thinking like a machine isn’t necessarily hard, but it is different. The machine (the computer) works by iron-clad rules of logic, doing many very simple operations at blinding speed. We write programs to tell computers what to do, and the computer will do exactly what we tell it to, no more and no less, whether it makes sense or not. There is no room for error; if you get a single character wrong in your program, it will either do the wrong thing or not run at all. The computer doesn’t know or care what you "meant" it to do, only what you specifically asked it to do. It is completely literal and completely unforgiving. You should expect to spend a lot of time fixing mistakes in your programs (which are called "bugs") to finally get it to do the right thing. Fortunately, the computer has a number of safeguards which prevent you from doing anything really horrible (so running a program is unlikely to physically destroy the computer itself, for instance); usually if you make a mistake it will just complain that something went wrong and halt, or else it’ll just not do what you wanted it to.

Learning to understand the very logical, very exact, very literal and incredibly picky way a computer works is going to take time. We’re not going to lie to you: programming can be incredibly frustrating. But once you finally get it to do what you want, it’s incredibly satisfying, and with experience, the less frustrating it gets and the more satisfying it is. (But the frustration never goes away entirely!) We will be trying to help you learn to "think like a machine" all through this course. Often, we will not give you the whole story about what is happening when we first introduce a topic, because to do that would take too long and be tedious. But as we visit and revisit topics, we will fill in more and more of the gaps so that eventually you’ll have a very good idea of what happens when your programs execute. (To get a really deep understanding of all this, though, you’ll have to take way more courses than just CS 1!) Don’t worry; it’s going to be fun!

Program design as a thought process

[This section is for beginning and experienced programmers alike.]

Even after you internalize the first thought process (thinking like a machine) you have to learn another thought process: how to design programs. You will have to write many functions and programs in this course. You’ll be given a pretty precise description of what the function or program is supposed to do, and then you will have to write the code to do it. This is a creative act! There is always going to be more than one way to solve all but the simplest problems, and there is never going to be an objectively "perfect" answer. But for many programmers, even ones who understand the workings of a programming language quite well, it can be challenging to put together the elements of the programming language in the right way to solve a problem. We call this activity program design. As a creative act, we can’t give exact rules on how to do it, but we can give guidelines, rules of thumb, and general wisdom that we and other programmers have accumulated over our programming careers. Knowing these guidelines and rules of thumb should help you when you have to write a function but don’t know where to start.

The details of the programming language we’ll be teaching you (Python) will be in these readings. The thought process behind program design will mainly be covered in lectures, often by simply showing you a problem and walking through the steps needed to solve it. That way, you’ll see how experienced programmers think about a problem, and you can apply what you learn to your own programs.

Programming jargon

Another challenge for beginning programmers is that programming uses a lot of common words with very specific meanings that aren’t the usual meanings. Words like "list", "dictionary", "string", "files", "function", "interpreter" and so on mean very different things when used in a programming context than they would mean in everyday conversation. We will try very hard to be incredibly clear on what a particular programming term means, especially if that meaning is different from the common meaning. If you find a term confusing, let us know so we can improve these readings!

The choice of programming language

We will be using the Python programming language exclusively in this course. Python is both an excellent first programming language, useful for teaching the basic concepts of programming, as well as an incredibly useful real-world language. Perhaps most relevant to you, Python has in recent years emerged as one of the most important programming languages in science and data analysis, as well as one of the most-used languages in machine learning and artificial intelligence. Python is easy to learn, incredibly versatile, very readable, and very consistent. You may know some (or a lot!) of Python already, but even in that case we’re pretty sure we’re going to be teaching you some new things about it. [1]

We love Python both as a teaching language and as a language we use ourselves, but don’t kid yourself: it’s not the only good or useful programming language. If you take CS 2, you will learn Java; if you take CS 3 and/or CS 11, you will learn C and maybe also C++, and if you take CS 4 you will learn OCaml. Serious programmers need to know more than one language, so think of this as the start of your programming journey. Programming is a lot of fun, and we hope to show you why we love it so much and why it’s so exciting to learn computer science.

A brief history of Python

Computer languages have weird names. Some, like C, are completely arbitrary and meaningless. [2] Others, like Java or Ruby, are named after something (coffee and the gem stone). Python is named after the British comedy group Monty Python’s Flying Circus. It was invented in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer who wanted a language that was easier to use than C for everyday tasks. Guido was also a fan of the comedy group, so he named his language after them as an homage.

Python has been under continual development ever since it was created, and the latest version of Python available as of this writing is Python 3.9.7. Python is now one of the most popular programming languages in use today.

The Python web site is It’s good to bookmark it, because the Python documentation is hosted there, and you will definitely need it for this course.

Code examples

In the supporting documents we will be going through all the details you need to know in order to get Python working on your computer, which IDE/editor to use [3], etc. We won’t do that in the readings, but instead we’ll assume you can run Python code. If you can’t do that yet, don’t worry; you should still be able to understand the code examples. (You simply won’t be able to run them yourselves yet.) However, we strongly recommend that you do get Python set up as soon as possible and follow along with the readings by typing in the examples and playing around with them; you’ll learn a lot more that way and it’ll be more fun too.

Here is a snippet of Python code:

print('Hello, world!')

Believe it or not, this is a complete Python program! When run from a terminal window, it will print the words Hello, world! to the terminal. [4]

A "terminal" (more jargon!) is a program which allows you to directly type commands to your computer. Some of you may never have used a terminal, because non-programmers typically have little use for one. Programmers use them all the time, and some of us spend most of our time on the computer working inside a terminal. Terminal programs include and (MacOS), Windows Terminal (Windows), and many different programs for Linux. You can run Python programs directly from a terminal, and we’ll show you lots of examples of this.

We will get into the details of Python below, but just so you aren’t confused: the words 'Hello, world!' in single quotes are a Python string (which is the way textual data is represented inside Python). The word print stands for a built-in Python function which takes a single argument (in this case the string 'Hello, world!') and prints it out to the terminal. [5] We’ll talk more about functions in the next reading and we’ll cover strings in detail after that.

Source code files vs. the interactive interpreter

In this course, we will be working with Python in two distinct ways:

  • interactively, using the Python "interactive interpreter"

  • running code from files

When you are writing your assignments, you will be using Python in both ways (though probably more the second than the first). When we are giving lectures, we will use the interactive interpreter extensively but we’ll also often write code in a file and run it. Sometimes we’ll do it both ways.

Source code files

Python code that you write (using an editor) is called source code. The "source" word implies that this is the first thing that is created in order to make a program. "Files" are just data that is stored on a computer permanently i.e. they doesn’t disappear when the computer is turned off. Python source code files are plain text files with a specific suffix, which is .py. Usually, the name of a source code file is in all lowercase letters; for instance, you might have one called or

Let’s say we’ve written a file of Python code called which contains the following code:

print('Hello, world!')

We can run this file by typing the following command at a terminal command line:

$ python

The $ is called a prompt; you don’t type it. [6] Inside a terminal there is a program called a "shell" which is running, and the shell is the program which interprets commands like this. The shell prompt (the $ above) is printed automatically when the shell is waiting for more input. Then you type in the words python and hit the Return key (or the Enter key on some keyboards). What this does is run the python program (which is the program that runs Python language files) on the file called

If all goes well, the terminal should print out:

Hello, world!

and return you to the prompt.

This assumes your computer is running either Linux or Mac OS X as its operating system. If it’s running Windows, you can get to a terminal prompt like this by installing the Windows Subsystem for Linux, but don’t worry about this for now; there are other ways to run Python programs on Windows. The important thing to understand is that you can run all the Python code in a single file with a single command.

Python programs can be split between multiple files; such files are usually called "modules". We will talk more about modules in a future reading.

The Python interpreter

It’s also possible to enter all the code for a program on-the-fly by starting up the Python interpreter. An "interpreter" or "interactive interpreter" is a program which reads lines of code you type and immediately runs them. Python can work as an interpreter if you run the python program with no arguments.

$ python

This will cause the interactive Python interpreter to start up. You’ll know that’s happened when you see the Python prompt, which looks like this:


The three >s are the Python prompt. It’s how Python tells you it’s waiting for you to type a line of code for it to execute. (Don’t confuse the Python prompt with the shell prompt; the Python prompt is only used to enter Python language statements, not to invoke arbitrary programs.) Now you can enter expressions at the prompt:

>>> 1 + 1

Hit Return (or Enter) [7], and Python will helpfully print out:


and print out the prompt again. If you want to exit the interpreter, type "control d" i.e. hold down the "control" key on your keyboard while typing the letter d (lowercase). This will exit the interpreter and return you to the shell prompt.

It’s important to understand that the >>> prompt is not part of the Python language; it’s just the way that the interactive Python interpreter lets you know that it is waiting for you to enter some code.

There is more to say about the interactive interpreter; we will cover it as we get to it.

Python as a calculator

Arithmetic expressions

One thing that is easy to do with Python is to use it as a kind of terminal-based calculator program. You do this by starting the interactive interpreter and entering arithmetic expressions:

>>> 2 + 2
>>> 1.2 * 3.4
>>> 2 ** 16
>>> (4 - 2) * (3 + 3)
>>> 1/6

and so on. Note that some common operations use different operators than is customary in math:

Table 1. Operators
Operator symbol Meaning in Python






to the power of

This is done because common symbols like the "times" symbol (×) and the "divide" symbol (÷) can’t be typed on a standard keyboard. (Most programming languages use * and / for multiplication and division.) Traditional math notation uses superscripts for powers, which is also not easily typeable, so Python uses **. So 2 ** 16 means "2 to the power of 16".


Numbers in Python can be "integers" (no fractional part) or "floating point" (approximate real numbers). Floating point numbers are a computer approximation to real numbers. Some real numbers (like π or e) need an infinite number of decimal places to represent them exactly. Computers don’t have infinite storage, so the number is cut off after a certain number of decimal places, and we call this kind of number a "floating point" number (or "float" for short).

>>> 42
>>> 1.23
>>> 6.022e23

42 is an integer, and 1.23 and 6.022e23 are floating point numbers. The e means "exponent", so 6.022e23 means 6.022 × 1023. You can combine integers and floating-point numbers in arithmetic expressions:

>>> 42 + 1.23

Python even lets you use complex numbers:

>>> (1.0+2.3j) * (3.4+4.5j)

(Don’t worry if you don’t yet know what complex numbers are.) [8]

Operator precedence

When writing arithmetic expressions with different operators, sometimes there will be two reasonable ways to interpret the expression. For instance:

1 + 2 * 3

could mean either

1 + (2 * 3)


(1 + 2) * 3

The usual rule in math is to do multiplications (and divisions) before additions (and subtractions), so in fact Python evaluates this the first way:

>>> 1 + 2 * 3

If you really want to evaluate it the second way, add the parentheses yourself:

>>> (1 + 2) * 3

In computer-language-speak, we say that the * operator has a higher precedence than the + operator. There are a lot of precedence rules in Python (and in most programming languages), but you don’t generally have to think about them; things usually do what you expect. Most of the time, all you need to remember is that:

  • * and / are higher precedence than + or -

  • ** is higher precedence than * or /

  • = (assignment, next section) is lower than any of them

  • use parentheses if you need to force a different order of evaluation

If you positively have to know what the relative precedences of different operators are, you should look at the Python language precedence table. (This might be worth bookmarking.)

[End of reading]

1. And, of course, the Python language itself keeps evolving, so we have to learn new things about it too!
2. It’s actually called C because it’s the successor to a language called B. We hope that clears that up.
3. Did you catch that? We just dropped two programming jargon terms on you: "IDE" and "editor". An "editor" is a program that allows you to write text files, which is what programs are, and "IDE" stands for Integrated Development Environment, which is a kind of super-editor that allows you to run and debug code as well as edit it.
4. It’s a tradition for the first program you write in a new language to be one that prints out the phrase "Hello, world!". This started with the C programming language in the 1970s and persists to this day.
5. The print function can do much more than this, but this is the simplest way to use it.
6. Your prompt may look different than this.
7. So we don’t have to write "Return (or Enter)" over and over, we’ll always refer to the key that enters a line of text as the Return key from now on.
8. The long list of consecutive 9s in (-6.949999999999999+12.32j) are due to roundoff error.