
Due date

This assignment is due on Friday, Apr. 26th, at 11:30 PM.


This assignment covers the material up to Lecture 9, focusing on file io, dictionaries and tuples, and program decomposition.

What to hand in

You will be handing in the following completed files, all of which are started for you in


Reminder: Documentation Requirements

Similar to MP 2, make sure you write a docstring for every function we ask you to write. It should describe what the function does, what the arguments represent, and what the return value represents, as we’ve discussed in class and in the readings (refer to Lecture 4 Slides and recent lecture code for some examples). Do not include implementation details. For very short or very simple functions you can just write a one-line description of what the function does; this is in line with the guidelines in PEP 257.

Note: We have provided you both docstrings in Part 1's which you can leave as-is and reference for examples of documentation for file-processing functions.

Supporting files

There are a number of supporting files you need to download for this assignment, which you can find in They include:

  • 3 starter files for you to complete:

  • Example files to test with can be found in (we have zipped them for you so you can unzip again if you accidentally change them)

  • Test scripts are provided with instructions and a demo video walking you through getting them set up and running here.

NOTE: Just because a test script works does not guarantee that your code is perfect; the test script may not be comprehensive. You should always test your code by hand (interactively in the Python interpreter) to make sure it does what you expect. Test scripts are very helpful, but they are not a crutch.

Template files

We are supplying you with 3 template files to get started. This includes data you will need, implementations of some functions you don’t have to write, as well as stubs for all functions that you do have to write. You should fill in the functions by editing the docstrings (replacing any """<TODO: docstring>""" with an actual, good docstring) and removing the TODO/pass lines and replacing them with the body of your function. Remove any TODOs and pass statements in your final submissions.

The purpose of the starter code is to save you time by writing some of the less interesting code for you, especially UI logic (some of which is used in the tests). Part of this assignment is also to practice reading and understanding a full-featured program as you work through implementing each step (we recommend implementing functions in the order they are introduced in this spec).

Program Overview

In this Mini Project, you will finish implementing a program which provides several features to analyze, fix, and generate Python programs. This project is a great example of using Python to automate tasks, especially in file-processing. We encourage you to utilize the features in your future Python programs, and consider adding your own functions as you learn more programming skills through the course!

The provided is the main interface for clients to provide options to analyze or fix existing programs, or to generate program templates given function names and arguments/returns. You do not need to change this file at all, and will not submit it (the three required programs you submit will be tested with the same program and our own grading tests).

The three programs you will implement are introduced roughly in order of difficulty, and are summarized below.

  1. - A library of 2 functions to analyze Python programs (printing function information and file statistics).
  2. - A library of 1 function to "fix" a specified file such that any tab characters are replaced with spaces. This is inspired by automated tools like autopep8 which allows programmers to auto-fix Python programs with specified PEP8 guidelines (for this project, you only need to implement the tabs-to-spaces feature, though there are other functions, like enforce_snake_case which you may find helpful to implement on your own).
  3. - A library of a collection of functions (3 of which you will implement from scratch, 2 of which you will finish, and 3 of which are provided. This is the longest part of the assignment, but also the most rewarding! As you work through the exercises, you will be building a feature to generate a complete Python program template, with auto-populated functions and docstrings conforming to Python standards.

Part 1: Analyzer


This program provides functionality to analyze files and report statistics to users. The learning objectives covered in Part 1 include File IO (reading), loops, and string formatting. All output must match exactly as described.

1. print_fns

Finish the print_fns function which takes a filename string as an argument and prints out all of the function names and arguments in order, (without the 'def ', ':', or any trailing whitespace/new lines).

The first line output by the function (provided for you) should be:

Functions in <filename>:

Replacing <filename> with the given filename string (without < or >).

Whenever working with files, it's best practice to handle cases when files are not found. We will learn more about how to do this with try/except later, but for this assignment we have provided code for handling unknown file names for you using the os.path.exists function. Do not change any provided code for these cases, and do not use any other features of os. These requirements apply to this entire assignment.

When processing the file's functions, you must only consider lines that are legal Python functions, starting with 'def ' (you don't need to do any more syntax validation than this, and don't need to enforce any file extensions). Hint: Don't forget about the string's startswith method covered in Reading 5!

Each function header printed should be indented by four spaces (do not use '\t') and should be printed in order they are defined.

For example, if a program has the following content:

Provides a simple interface for a user to calculate math operations
for inputs. Currently only supports average, but more function
definitions will be supported in upcoming versions.

Note to self (also a test case to ignore in print_fns!)
The keyword def is used to define a function in Python!

def average(x, y):
    """ docstring ... """
    return x + y / 2

def print_intro():
    """ docstring ... """
    print('Welcome to the math function program!')

def start():
    """ docstring ... """
    # ... rest of function
    print(f'Average of {x} and {y}: {average(x, y)}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

The resulting output when calling print_fns('') should be displayed as following (we have provided example code to test your output in the interpreter as well, but you should of course not include any of the >>> lines):

Note: For all examples in this spec, anything bold in code examples represents user input to help guide your testing in the interpreter. Any code not in bold represents expected output.

>>> from analyzer import print_fns
>>> print_fns('')
Functions in
    average(x, y)

Your solution should not have more than one loop, and should not use readlines() or read().

For reference, our solution replaces the TODO with 8-12 lines ignoring comments (depending on whether you use a while loop or a for loop).

2. file_info

The second function you will write will provide users to retrieve statistics about any file (not just Python programs). Finish the file_info function to take a single filename string argument and return statistics of the file in a dictionary.

The returned dictionary should contain the line count, word count, and character count using the keys 'lines', 'words', and 'characters', respectively (these key names must match for full credit).

Lines are defined to be sequences of characters ending in the '\n' newline character, as we saw in lecture. You can use the split method on strings (which splits a str by spaces by default and returns the resulting list of str parts) to identify the number of words in a line. Don’t worry about punctuation; "words" here just means a sequence of characters separated by spaces. An example of the string's split method is given below:

>>> '  Lorem (Ipsum) is a very good boi indeed.'
>>> parts = sentence.split()
>>> parts
['Lorem', '(Ipsum)', 'is', 'a', 'very', 'good', 'boi', 'indeed.']

The character count should include the newline characters at the end of each line (in other words, do not strip any whitespace in this function). Don’t forget to close the file before your code returns (unless you use with as discussed in Lectures 8/9).

Similar to Exercise 1.1, we have provided you the code to handle files that do not exist, and you solution should be written below.

Hint: Use counter variables to store the current values of the three items you’re computing.

This function actually does the same thing as the Linux wc program, which stands for "word count". You can test your solutions in your terminal as well, using the first test as an example:

# Assume that the files exist (e.g. 'hamlet.txt' exists and has 7996 lines, 32006 words
# and 197341 characters).
$ wc 'hamlet.txt'
    7996   32006  197341 hamlet.txt
$ python3
>>> from analyzer import file_info
>>> file_info('hamlet.txt')
{'lines': 7996, 'words': 32006, 'characters': 197341}
>>> file_info('babbage_tabbed.txt')
{'lines': 154, 'words': 1159, 'characters': 7435}
>>> file_info('') # note that this provided program has \t characters
{'lines': 48, 'words': 173, 'characters': 1090}
>>> file_info('two_tab_test.txt') # 2 \t characters on one line + 1 ending \n
{'lines': 1, 'words': 0, 'characters': 3}
>>> file_info('four_tab_test.txt')
{'lines': 2, 'words': 7, 'characters': 45}

Your solution should not have more than one loop, and you may use the readline function in this exercise (though you aren’t required to; see lecture slides on different ways to process files line-by-line, such as with a for loop over a file object). Again, do not use the readlines or read functions in this assignment, because this may cause excessive memory use if the file is very large.

For reference, our solution replaces the TODO with 9-12 lines ignoring comments (depending on whether you use a while loop or a for loop).

Part 2: Fixer (Mini PEP8 Enforcement)

1. tabs_to_spaces

As you'll learn, tabs are a very annoying culprit in codebases leading to some serious (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻. Let's write a function to quickly swap out those subtle nuances. ┬─┬ノ(^_ ^ノ)

Write a function tabs_to_spaces which takes a filename string and a number of tab-spaces and converts each tab ('\t') character in that file to the given number of spaces per tab. The file with the given filename should not change, but the results should be written to a new file in the format spaced_<filename> (e.g. for which should be identical to the original file only replacing the tabs with spaces as specified (hint: you can use the string's replace(old, new) method to help, but make sure you aren't making any assumptions about the number/location of tab characters in a string).

Your function should not return anything, but should print out the results as number of lines found with tabs and the number of tab characters replaced in the new file. An example is given below, testing the program on the provided program which has 31 tab characters (if you opened that file in VSCode you may need to replace it with the one you downloaded again if your editor automatically replaces tabs for any opened file).

Hint: You should expect this function to take the most time in the assignment, so if you would find it helpful to jump to Part 3, you can. The Case Study El went over is very similar to this problem, and a video is posted for this review session which goes over strategies, pitfalls, and common questions for this similar problem. If you find yourself getting stuck on this problem, we encourage you to review the video/ code!

>>> tabs_to_spaces('', 4)
Lines with tabs: 29
Tabs replaced: 34
>>> tabs_to_spaces('two_tab_test.txt', 4)
Lines with tabs: 1
Tabs replaced: 2
>>> tabs_to_spaces('four_tab_test.txt', 4)
Lines with tabs: 2
Tabs replaced: 4

From the above code, you can see that the provided file has 34 '\t' characters spanning 29 lines, and the function call should result in a copy called with any '\t' characters replaced with spaces as described above.

You can also test your results with the following bash commands as a sanity check (you of course are not expected to know the magical world of grep, but it essentially counts all occurrences of a character in a file and then pipes the result to wc to count the number of lines that were changed :))

$ grep -o '\t' | wc -l
$ grep -o '\t' | wc -l
$ grep -o ' ' | wc -l
$ grep -o ' ' | wc -l
$ grep -o '\t' two_tab_test.txt | wc -l
$ grep -o ' ' two_tab_test.txt | wc -l
$ grep -o '\t' spaced_two_tab_test.txt | wc -l
$ grep -o ' ' spaced_two_tab_test.txt wc -l
$ grep -o '\t' four_tab_test.txt | wc -l
$ grep -o ' ' four_tab_test.txt | wc -l
$ grep -o '\t' spaced_four_tab_test.txt | wc -l
$ grep -o ' ' spaced_four_tab_test.txt wc -l

You can test changing space argument as well:

$ python3
>>> from fixer import tabs_to_spaces
>>> tabs_to_spaces('', 2) 
Lines with tabs: 29
Tabs replaced: 34
>>> quit()
$ grep -o ' ' | wc -l

Requirements: Your function should not loop through any line more than once, and do not use read() or readlines(). Your function should have exactly one (un-nested) loop to process the input file. You can use the writelines method to write a list of strings to a writable file object. For reference, our solution is 20 lines (not including comments or blank lines).

Hint: First, try to represent a space with '_' (underscore) when using replace since you won't be able to necessarily see the differences between tabs and spaces in the output file. Remember that the tab-space number parameter will determine how many space characters should replace a single '\t' tab character. Make sure to fix this to ' ' (space character) before your submission and try the above bash commands if you'd like to do a final check.

Part 3: Program Generator

1. to_snake_case

Write a function named to_snake_case that takes a string as an argument and returns a new string converting the argument to Python snake_case conventions (all lower-case, words separated with _ and numbers allowed, _ must be between characters not at end of strings). In particular, this function should handle strings following camelCasing (multiple words capitalized after first word) and PascalCasing (all words capitalized) such that any capital letter is replaced with _ followed by the lowercased version of the letter unless the capital letter is the first or last letter in the string, in which case it should just be lowercased.

>>> s = to_snake_case('snek_case')
>>> s
>>> to_snake_case('camelCase')
>>> to_snake_case('PascalCase')
>>> to_snake_case('removeAll3')
>>> to_snake_case('cAtTeRpIlLaRcAsE')
>>> to_snake_case('')

The string method isupper may be useful to you here. Type help(''.isupper) at the Python prompt to learn more about it, or go to the online Python documentation.

2. format_fn_header

Write a function named format_fn_header which returns a Python function header string using a given function name (which should be converted to snake_case) and a string list of arg names. This is a list of strings, not a dictionary but when this function is called, that list could be one generated with args.keys() (in that case, it's technically a dict_keys object but it works the same as a list in this case as long as you don't index it since dict_keys don't support index access (for a good reason)), where args is the dictionary passed to build_fn_str (we'll use this function in build_fn_str like so). You can assume the list of argument name strings are in snake_case already.

Note: While you see a use of keys() here for the purpose of an example, the only use of keys() should be in the build_fn_str function that will use format_fn_header when passing the argument names from its args dictionary as a list structure.

Do not use any dictionaries in the format_fn_header function.


Don't forget about the string's join method! s.join(lst) will return a string joining all elements in lst separated by s (what is each string in the argument list separated by in the expected result string?). This works for any list, including a dict_list.

>>> from generator import format_fn_header
>>> fn_name = 'dice'
>>> args = {'n': ('int', 'Number of dice to roll (>= 1)'),
...         'm': ('int', 'Number of sides per dice (>= 1)')}
>>> list(args.keys()) # This is included to show the list, but args.keys() will also work
['n', 'm']
>>> fn_header = format_fn_header(fn_name, args.keys())
>>> fn_header 
'def dice(n, m):'
>>> fn_header = format_fn_header(fn_name, ['n', 'm']) # this would also work
>>> fn_header 
'def dice(n, m):'
>>> fn_name = 'factorial'
>>> args = {'n': ('int', '')}
>>> fn_header = format_fn_header(fn_name, args.keys())
>>> fn_header 
'def factorial(n):'
>>> fn_name = 'sayHello'
>>> args = {}
>>> fn_header = format_fn_header(fn_name, args.keys())
>>> fn_header 
'def say_hello():'

3. generate_args_data

These last few functions will be related to user input and dictionaries to complete a provided utility function (fn_generator) that generates Python function stubs (with docstrings!) for us (and yes, you can use that function on your assignments/this midterm!). This problem and generate_return_data are started for you, with a few TODOs to fill in to practice reading and understanding given code to collect data with tuples and dictionaries. The more tedious input-handling is provided for you, but we expect you to understand the logic to complete the TODOs.

generate_args_data takes no arguments but prompts a user for as many arguments as they'd like to specify. Your task in this exercise is to finish the 3 TODOs to finish the returning of a dict with each argument as a key mapping to a 2-string tuple containing (arg type, description).

Each argument will be assigned a desired name, type, and description (optional) using the prompts as follows:

  Add an argument name (<return> for none): argname
  What is the expected type of `argname`? argtype
  Description of `argname`: description

The given argument name should be converted to snake_case as soon as it is entered (and this snake_cased version should be the name entered for the argument in the result dictionary). Remember that if a string is in snake_case already, your to_snake_case shouldn't return a different that differs from that passed string.

If no type is given in the second line, 'unspecified' should be assigned as argument's type string. If no description is given, '' should be assigned for that argument's description. A blank line should be printed after each "Description of ..." prompt. A user can specify as many arguments as they want, stopping when they press the <return> ("Enter") key on the prompt for an argument name.

If no arguments are added in the prompt, the function should return {}.

>>> args = generate_args_data()
Add an argument name (<return> for none): dnaString
What is the expected type of `dna_string`? str
Description of `dna_string`: DNA sequence

Add an argument name (<return> for none): base
What is the expected type of `base`? str
Description of `base`: Single-character nucleotide base

Add an argument name (<return> for none):

>>> args
  {'dna_string': ('str', 'DNA sequence'), 'base': ('str', 'Single-character nucleotide base')
>>> args = generate_args_data()
Add an argument name (<return> for none): n
What is the expected type of `n`?
Description of `n`:

Add an argument name (<return> for none):

>>> args
{'n': ('unspecified', '')}
>>> args = generate_args_data()
Add an argument name (<return> for none):

>>> args
>>> {}

Do not change any existing code, and remove the three # TODO comments in your final solution. Each TODO task is exactly one line (the same line it is located in the function).

4. generate_return_data

Next, you'll finish a function generate_return_data to get the type and description of a function's return. You only need to replace the single TODO to return a tuple as described, but we have provided a summary of this function here for reference.

This function takes no arguments, but prompts a user for a type and a description for a return value. If no type is given, the type is assigned the string 'unspecified' similar to generate_args_data (the description is also optional, '' if not provided). A blank line should be printed after each "Description of ..." prompt. The function should return a tuple containing the inputted type string and description (in this order).

>>> from generator import generate_return_data
>>> ret_data = generate_return_data()
What is the expected type of the return? float
Description of return: Percentage of `base` in `dna_string` (0.0 to 100.0).
>>> ret_data
('float', 'Percentage of `base` in `dna_string` (0.0 to 100.0).')
>>> ret_data = generate_return_data()
What is the expected type of the return? float
Description of return:
>>> ret_data
('float', '')
>>> ret_data = generate_return_data()
What is the expected type of the return?
Description of return:
>>> ret_data
('unspecified', '')

You may note some redundancy between prompting for arguments and returns in Exercise 3.3 and 3.4. You may add a helper function to reduce redundancy (just make sure it is correct when called from both functions).

Given: build_fn_str and generate_fn

We're almost there! The last function you will implement in this project is called save_program, which takes a program template string and saves to a new file. The three given functions in are implemented for you, as they factor out a lot of the tedious UI management to prompt the user for program information using the functions you've implemented so far. We've provided a brief summary of the function-generation functions here that you can test in your Python interpreter to make everything is ready to go at this point before you move on to the final save_program function.

These functions should not be changed, and are documented for you. They require that you have correctly implemented Exercises 3.1-3.4 at this point.

generate_fn takes a function name string as an argument (which is converted to snake casing using your to_snake_case function), and then prompts the user for arguments and any return for that function (using your generate_args_data and generate_return_data, respectively).

After collecting this data from the user, it generates the function stub using the generate_fn_stub function we've provided. Note that we could have merged both of these functions into one, but factoring out the function-stub-string-generation demonstrates good practice in program decomposition. If all of your functions above are correctly implemented, the following example runthroughs should produce the output shown below:

>>> fn_name = 'dice'
>>> args = {'n': ('int', 'Number of dice to roll (>= 1)'),
...         'm': ('int', 'Number of sides per dice (>= 1)')}
>>> ret_data = ('int', 'Sum of `n` randomly-rolled `m`-sided dice.')
>>> fn_desc = 'Simulates `n` randomly-rolled `m`-sided dice, returning the sum of all rolls.'
>>> fn_str = build_fn_str(fn_name, args, ret_data, fn_desc)
>>> print(fn_str)
def dice(n, m):
    Simulates `n` randomly-rolled `m`-sided dice, returning the sum of all rolls.

        `n` (int) - Number of dice to roll (>= 1)
        `m` (int) - Number of sides per dice (>= 1)

        (int) - Sum of `n` randomly-rolled `m`-sided dice.

>>> fn_name = 'FooBAR'
>>> args = {'c_at_er_pi_ll_ar': ('unspecified', '')}
>>> ret_data = ('dict', '')
>>> fn_desc = 'Who knows...'
>>> fn_str = build_fn_str(fn_name, args, ret_data, fn_desc)
>>> print(fn_str)
def foo_b_ar(c_at_er_pi_ll_ar):
    Who knows...

        `c_at_er_pi_ll_ar` (unspecified)


>>> body = generate_fn('dice') # This function uses fn_str_builder, but manages user input to collect data
Add an argument name (<return> for none): n
What is the expected type of `n`? int
Description of `n`: Number of dice to roll (>= 1)

Add an argument name (<return> for none): m
What is the expected type of `m`? int
Description of `m`: Number of sides per dice (>= 1)

Add an argument name (<return> none):

Does your function have a return? (y for yes) Y
What is the expected type of the return? int
Description of return: Sum of `n` randomly rolled `m`-sided dice.

Finally, provide a description of your function: Simulates `n` randomly-rolled `m`-sided dice, returning the sum of all rolls.

Finished generating a function stub for dice!
>>> print(body)
def dice(n, m):
    Simulates `n` randomly-rolled `m`-sided dice, returning the sum of all rolls.

        `n` (int) - Number of dice to roll (>= 1)
        `m` (int) - Number of sides per dice (>= 1)

        (int) - Sum of `n` randomly rolled `m`-sided dice.

5. save_program

Finally, you will implement the final function to save your generated programs! Note that the final block of code in the provided generate_program function calls save_program with the generated program body string (everything is ready to go!).

Finish the save_program function in, which takes a single string argument representing the body of the program, with each line separated by '\n' (assuming all functions are working as expected at this point). This function should prompt the user for a file name to save to, reprompting until they give a non-empty file name.

Note: While we will not require you to handle this, it is not uncommon for new programmers to accidentally overwrite a file. To help prevent this without adding more tasks in this assignment, we have provided you a check_rewrite(filename) function which you may use to confirm with a user that they want to overwrite an existing file. To use it, update your break condition (which should at minimum be on a condition for a non-empty filename) to break only when passing the non-empty filename string to check_rewrite returns True (when the file doesn't yet exist or when the user has confirmed they want to overwrite it).

Once a valid filename is found, save the body to a new file (hint: use f.writelines) and print a success message in the same format as shown in the examples below. Note: We have added an example of confirmation if you choose to implement this feature.

For reference, our solution is 9 lines, most of which is the re-prompting logic for empty filenames.

>>> from generator import save_program
>>> # This is a test "body" string
>>> body = '"""TODO: File header"""\n\ndef foo():\n    pass\n\n'
>>> print(body)
"""TODO: File header"""

def foo():

>>> save_program(body)
What is the name of your file?
Successfully wrote to!
>>> save_program(body)
What is the name of your file?
Please provide a non-empty file name, e.g.
What is the name of your file?
Successfully wrote to!
>>> # Optional handling of existing files
>>> save_program(body)
What is the name of your file?
A file is already found with that name. Are you sure you want to overwrite? n
What is the name of your file?
A file is already found with that name. Are you sure you want to overwrite? Y
Successfully wrote to!

Running it all with generate_program (Given)

Finally, you'll be able to reap the rewards of your hard work! The provided generate_program at the end of the program you've been working on initiates the full UI for generating a program given user prompt, optionally saving the results to a new file using your save_program function. If all of your functions above are correctly implemented, the following example should create a new file as shown:

>>> from generator import *
>>> generate_program()
First, you'll input some function stub data, then have the option
to save the results to a file!

Please input a new function name (<return> to quit): dice

Add an argument name (<return> for none): n
What is the expected type of `n`? int
Description of `n`: Number of dice to roll (>= 1)

Add an argument name (<return> for none): m
What is the expected type of `m`? int
Description of `m`: Number of sides per dice (>= 1)

Add an argument name (<return> for none):

Does your function have a return (y for yes)? Y
What is the expected type of the return? int
Description of return: Sum of `n` randomly rolled `m`-sided dice.

Finally, provide a description of your function: Simulates `n` randomly-rolled `m`-sided dice, returning the sum of all rolls.
Finished generating a function stub for dice!

Please input a new function name (<return> to quit):

Finished generating your program template!
Do you want to save your program to a file (y for yes): y
What is the name of your file?
Successfully wrote to!

If you look at the contents of the new file created by your save_program function, you should see the following contents:

TODO: Author, description

def dice(n, m):
    Simulates `n` randomly-rolled `m`-sided dice, returning the sum of all rolls.

        `n` (int) - Number of dice to roll (>= 1)
        `m` (int) - Number of sides per dice (>= 1)

        (int) - Sum of `n` randomly-rolled `m`-sided dice.